Based in Watertown, CT, Errigal Construction is an assisted living apartment and senior living construction specialist serving commercial properties throughout New England. With 15 years of local experience and projects completed in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and beyond, our professional union construction company is an affordable and dependable option for commercial developers of all capacities.
Our Assisted Living Apartment Construction Services
For all our projects, we use Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) to guarantee high-quality wood frame construction that does not break the budget. CLT is strong and durable, ideal for multi-story assisted living apartments that are constructed to battle the four seasons of the Northeast.
For our seniors in both cities and rural areas, Errigal Construction has an immense amount of experience developing properties in every kind of building environment. Not only limited to senior living construction, our projects are always completed to fit the unique demands of a multi-residential or commercial property, including office buildings, hotels, and more.

Senior Living Construction in Connecticut & New England
As a proud member of the Local Union 723, United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America, we are happy to lend our assisted living apartment construction services to clients in our home of Connecticut and surrounding states. Over the years, we’ve accumulated millions of completed square footage, with dozens of buildings now safely housing students, seniors, and people of all ages.
Contact Errigal Construction to learn more today.
With competitive prices, quick responses, and honest service, Errigal Construction is here to help design and complete senior living construction projects throughout New England. All our services are fulfilled in compliance with a complete property safety analysis and built by a well-educated workforce using only high-quality materials.
Contact us today by calling 203-509-2977 or sending an email to We always look forward to hearing from new clients interested in our professional construction services.